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Maths Online Learning

Here are some useful websites for children to practise their Maths skills at home:

Times Table Rockstars- each child in the school has a login for Times Table Rockstars so that they can get super speedy at recalling multiplication facts!

Mathletics - children from EYFS to Year 6 have logins for Mathletics.  It is a great website which contains activities for a range of units, as well as 'Live Mathletics'.  'Live Mathletics' enables children to quickly recall mathematical facts whilst competing against the computer, their peers or children across the world!

Topmarks - Hit the Button 

Topmarks - ordering and sequencing numbers

Topmarks - Daily 10

Topmarks - Guess My Number

Topmarks - Coconut Multiples

Fraction Matcher

Topmarks - Symmetry

Coordinates and directions

Topmarks - Angles

Topmarks - Time


BBC Bitesize Key Stage One

BBC Bitesize Key Stage Two