Sycamore Class (Y1/2) - Mr Greatbanks

 Class 1 2023-24

Welcome back to our final Summer 2024 half term. I hope that you have all had a restful holiday making lots of memories as a family and are looking forward to the new term. This term we will be covering lots of exciting topics: 



General Reminders: 

  • P.E is on a Tuesday and Friday, children can come to school wearing their P.E kit on these days. Please ensure that all PE kit is clearly labelled. 
  • Children in Sycamore Class should have a book bag where they can keep their reading folder and any important letters.  
  • Reading books will be changed weekly on a Friday. Your child will have a fully decodable phonic book to read as well as a sharing book to read and enjoy with the family.
  • Your child will have weekly 'Home Learning' sent home on a Friday. This may be linked to phonics, maths or wider curriculum work. 
  • Children need to have a named water bottle, which will stay in school all week. 
  • Y1/2 children need a waterproof coat and wellies/outdoor shoes for our outdoor play. 
Any questions, please come and ask us. 

Mr Greatbanks and Mrs Barnett and Mrs Munro for Art/DT and Year 1 maths