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New topic - Kings and Queens

Our new topic this half-term will be Kings and Queens.


In English we will be reading, sharing and retelling lots of different traditional tales e.g. Three Little Pigs, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty. The children will then be writing their own fairy tale story containing a fictional king and queen 

In History the children will be learning about Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth and understanding the British monarch system. 

In Science we will be learning how to identify common types of plants and trees. The children will learn about the 4 main parts of a plant and what it needs to survive. We will have a go at growing our own bean plants, as part of Jack and the Beanstalk.

In Maths this half term the children will be learning about position and direction, weight and volume, money and place value of numbers up to 100. 

We also have an exciting trip coming up linked to our topic, details of this will follow!