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Class 1 Blog

Summer - Week 4

Class 1 have really got stuck into our topic 'Journeys and Exploration'. 

In English we have been reading stories about lots of different journeys including Superhero exploration, journeys into space and pirate expeditions. The children have written postcards, letters, wanted posters, newspaper articles and are in the process of writing their own stories about an exploration. 

In Maths we have been learning to multiply and divide numbers by 2, 5 and 10, including doubling and sharing in Reception. Currently we are learning to tell the time! Next week we will be moving on to finding fractions of numbers and shapes. 

In topic lessons the children have learnt about lots of things. They have learnt to use positional and directional language and create their own pirate maps with a key in Geography. In History we are learning about famous explorers including Christopher Columbus. In Science the children have been learning about the properties of materials and are in the process of carrying out their own science investigation! 

Keep posted for more about our learning!