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January 2019

It's 2019!  Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone!  I hope you have had a lovely Christmas and New Year with your loved ones.  I enjoyed Christmas Day with my family, including my little nephew who was experiencing Christmas for the very first time!  We had a great day!

When we return to school on Monday we will be beginning a new term and with a new term comes a new topic.  This term we are very lucky to be learning all about…CHOCOLATE!  We will start by learning about where cocoa beans are grown and compare the climate, landscape and life in such countries to the United Kingdom.  In Science, we will be learning about solids, liquids and gases – this will include investigating the effects of heating and cooling.  I wonder whether chocolate can change state… It could be good fun finding out!

In English, we will be reading The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry and to begin with we will be using it as a stimulus for persuasive letter writing.  It covers issues such as deforestation and animal extinction which should get us inspired for great pieces of purposeful writing.

In Maths, we will begin the term with a unit on fractions.  It’s always a tricky unit but we will use concrete apparatus and pictorial representations such as the bar model to support us.  Fingers crossed we will even learn to love fractions by February!

In Computing, we will be learning how to stay safe online and how we can best find what we are looking for when using search engines.  In P.E, we will be perfecting our hockey and basketball skills.  We have lots of competitions coming up in the Holmes Chapel cluster including Indoor Athletics, Hockey, Hi 5 Netball and 5-a-side Football.  Get practising in readiness!

As well as all of that, we have a couple of fantastic trips coming up – Chester Zoo and Barclays Technology Day!  More information will be given out very soon.

Have a great start to the term everybody.  2019 is going to be the best year yet!