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9th March 2018

What's been going on in Class 3 since returning from the half term holiday?

Class 3 are continuing to focus on 'Inside Out and Back Again' in English.  Last week, they retold Part 1 of the story in their own words, focusing on integrating dialogue, description and using fronted adverbials to show changes in time.  This week, we have moved onto innovating Part 1 by altering the resolution and ending.  We have also looked closely at different ways to begin stories and worked in groups to write some models of these.  

In Maths, we have finished our fractions unit and will be moving onto decimals next week.  Children will learn about the relationship between fractions and decimals, as well as how to multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.  

In Topic, we have started learning about the circulatory system and how exercise affects heart rate.  We have also begun our Design and Technology work for this half term in which we will be designing a healthy snack for an athlete.  So far children have considered different ingredients that could be used in their healthy snack.  

I'll write again soon,

Miss Woodward