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To inspire a curiosity of the past. Our children at Peover Superior will become critical explorers by being exposed to a rich, complex and diverse set of historical people and places.


Our History curriculum aims to develop a curiosity that makes each child inquisitive about the past. It, sequentially, develops a growing knowledge of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Through working as historians, pupils begin to appreciate how the past has impacted the present. We support our children in developing the ability to think critically when examining evidence and to develop their own opinions, which they can then support with new and prior knowledge. The structure of our curriculum aims to equip pupils with the relative knowledge and skills outlined in the National Curriculum via an integrative and holistic approach. The content is taught through creative and stimulating lessons which provide opportunities to bridge back and activate prior learning to ensure that knowledge is secure, deepened and retained. Our curriculum ensures there are opportunities for pupils to learn about the ways in which diverse individuals and events have changed life in Britain and beyond. We aim to encourage our pupils to understand other people, their beliefs, thoughts, values and experiences, and to develop an understanding of society and their place within it.



Children are encouraged to work as historians, through exposure to a variety of sources – including visits and fieldwork - developing their ability to ask perceptive questions, critically interpret and question the past. Understand the chronology of events in Britain and the wider world. As children move through school, they begin to recognise that different things were happening in different places in the world at the same time. Every unit of work includes a focus on chronology, to help children understand where the period of history they are studying fits within their knowledge to date of the past.  Use an enquiry-based approach through which they are taught key historical knowledge in a variety of ways. First-hand sources, or where not possible replicas or pictures are used in all units of work to support the children in being historians, developing the skills to find out about the past.  Learn and explicitly use key historical vocabulary which is planned and developed explicitly with regular opportunities to be revised and reactivated. Cross-curricular learning, where appropriate, is implemented in order to support and deepen historical knowledge. Are challenged to undertake high quality research using a range of mediums and present their findings confidently, both orally and in exercise books. Gain an ability to think, reflect, debate, discuss and evaluate the past by formulating and refining questions and lines of enquiry.



Pupils’ work, in written and photographic forms, is used to secure and demonstrate children’s learning. It informs teacher assessment, both formative and summative, and is used by subject leaders as part of the monitoring process. Children will have opportunities to ‘work like a historian’ by: using historical

Vocabulary in their speech and writing; looking at and evaluating sources of evidence; constructing arguments. The subject leader talks to pupils about their learning as part of the monitoring process. Children’s books are used to guide discussion and provide the subject leader with the information required to measure how much of the powerful knowledge and core vocabulary has been remembered and understood