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16th April 2018

Welcome back from the Easter holiday!

Today was the first day back after the Easter holiday.  It was lovely to see Class 3 again looking smart, grown-up and raring to go! 

This term in English we are going to be reading the very popular book 'Wonder'.  It's a wonderful story about a boy who knows exactly how it feels to be different.  We are starting the half term by comparing diary extracts written by different authors, investigating features of diaries and writing our own diaries. 

In Maths, Year 4 and 5 are moving onto converting units of length and measuring the perimeter of shapes.  Year 6 will be working on algebra, ratio and proportion and revising other areas of the curriculum which we have already covered. 

In Computing, children will be using Scratch to design, write and debug games.  In P.E, children will be practising their cricket skills and athletics events.  In Music, children will be continuing to prepare for playing with the Hallé Orchestra, as well as learning to play the ukulele. 

Our topic until Whitsun is 'Journeys and Exploration'.  As historians, children will learn about people from Christopher Columbus to Neil Armstrong who have explored not only our planet but beyond it!  As artists, children will study the works of Vincent Van Gogh - particularly looking at the way in which his paintings show movement.  As linguists, children will be learning French vocabulary for directions, positions and modes of transport.  As scientists, children are going to learn about the Sun, Earth and Moon.  In R.E, children will find out about pilgrimages that followers of different religions undertake. 

Isn’t it going to be a busy term?  As well as all of this, Year 6 will be sitting their SATs on the week beginning Monday 14th May.  We will be preparing for the next four weeks and I have every faith in our talented and dedicated pupils – they can do it!  Further details about SATs Week will follow for Year 6 children and their parents in the next couple of weeks.

Bye for now!

Miss Woodward