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Autumn 2021

Welcome back to school! Find out what Class 1 has been up to!

Welcome back!
What a start to the year we have had. Already we have had so much fun, we can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for us. We started the year by looking at stories and books by Jon Classen- we have learnt 'I want my hat back' off by heart and even did some drama- Libby's snake impression wowed the crowd! In maths we have been getting to grips with place value and understanding what makes up a number. I have been super impressed with the attitude of all the children coming back to school. Last week we had a visit from Reception and we did some AMAZING Reading for Pleasure- next time you are in school make sure you check out our Reading Journal it is very cool! In the wider curriculum we have LOVED our music lessons with Mr Proctor and explored weather and the different sounds it makes- we have even written our own weather music! In Geography we are exploring maps of our local area and in Science we have been investigating animals, sorting them into different classes and finding out what makes them different and the same. Keep checking for updates to find out what Class 1 have been up to!!
Miss C