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It's the last half term!

What will Class 3 be learning about in Summer 2?

I cannot believe it is already the final half-term of the year!  It is going to be a jam-packed final few weeks with all of this to look forward to:

  • Sports Day
  • National School Sports Week
  • Transition (between year groups AND Year 6 transition days to secondary schools)
  • Leavers' Celebrations (including an end of year play)

There will even be a few surprises along the way!  Watch this space...

Learning wise, it's going to be a super half-term too!  In English, we are starting a new text: 'Holes' by Louis Sachar.  It's a great book which I highly recommend - I could not put it down!  We will start off by writing diary entries about Stanley's first impressions of Camp Green Lake and his initial few days there.  Then we will move onto writing non-chronological reports about the creatures Stanley has to beware of!  

In Maths, we will be finishing our work on decimals and percentages.  After that, Year 5 will be working on short division and Year 6 will start their algebra unit.

In the Wider Curriculum, we will be continuing to learn about World War One and World War Two in History; settlements in Geography and Sikhism in R.E. In Science, we will be learning about circulation and nutrition.  In Computing, we will be finding out how computer systems work.  In PSHE, we will be becoming more financially responsible and learning how to be a 'critical consumer'.  

All in all, it's looking like a fantastic half-term and I can't wait to get started!

Over and out, Miss Woodward x