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See what we got up to on the run up to Christmas and read about our plans for 2021. 

What a term! We managed to have a full Christmas run up, despite everything that has been going on and the children in Class 1 and Reception did their own nativity which is now LIVE on Teams- email admin if you don't have your child's login as you don't want to miss this!

We had the best half term with lots of amazing learning and experiences. We have been super busy with our maths, making sure we have closed all the gaps from last year. We are now super confident with our mental maths and have strategies at the tips of our fingertips. In English we studied the text 'LOOK UP!' all about a little girl who was fascinated with space. We worked together as a class to find clues in the text, make inferences and created some wonderful pieces of writing including poetry. In Geography we got to know our local area and went out with maps to explore where North, South, East and West were. 
Keep checking the blog to see what else we get up to throuhout the year!

Miss C x