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January Blog

Find out more about what Class 2 have been doing this month!

Happy New Year everyone! 

Class 2 have made a great start to the year with lots of learning. We have launched our topic on the Stone Age, finding out more about the key changes in Britain from the Stone Age to Iron Age. In History the children have been finding out how  prehistoric people lived, including how they hunted, where they settled and what they wore. 

This history knowledge has also linked to our Science this half term, where the children have learnt about the three main types of rocks - metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary. We have investigated real rocks and grouped and sorted the rocks according to their properties. We have also just started to talk about fossils and the work of Mary Anning.


In English we have had a focus on narrative and writing adventure stories based in the Stone Age. The children really enjoyed unpicking some adventure stories and developing great language in order to make more adventurous word choices in their own stories. 


Our maths lessons have focused around Geometry - identifying different types of lines and angles within 2d shapes. We have more recently moved onto multiplication and division and using these facts to solve problem. Lots of practice at home would be great to help children improve further! 


We are very excited for what next month has in-store for us....including our Residential to Burwardsley in Cheshire West.