Aspire Educational Trust Logo

Spring 2

What are Class 1 learning this half term?

We are learning about place value within 50, recognising that numbers can be partitioned into 10s and 1s. We are representing this in different ways. Later this half term we will be measuring weight and volume. Reception are looking at addition and subtraction and position and distance.

In Literacy,  Reception continue to practise reading and writing sentences that can be read by themselves and others. We are encouraging the children to write more independently during our continuous provision. Our Year One children are currently having a great time following and writing instructions. They are very good at recognising 'bossy verbs'!

Part of our Science topic is looking at animals and their habitats. We have converted our role-play area into a vet's surgery. This has proved to be very popular! I think we may have some budding vets in our classroom.

We have also enjoyed creating a picture in the Style of Henri Rousseau. The whole class has contributed and we are very proud of it. We used a mixture of collage, paint, oil pastels and computer generated work to create it.

As the weather improves we are noticing the welcome signs of spring and have enjoyed being able to get out onto the field in our outdoor shoes and wellingtons.